Thursday, May 31, 2018

Challenge #140 ANYTHING GOES with optional photo inspiration

Guten Morgen!
Good Morning!

Heute fängt wieder eine neue Challenge an und unser Thema ist "Alles geht + optional Fotoinspiration". Du kannst gerne mit dem optionalen Thema bei uns mitmachen, wie auch die meisten unserer Designer, aber da es ein optionales Thema ist, kannst du dich auch dazu entscheiden es nicht zu befolgen und uns einfach dein "Alles geht" Projekt einzustellen. Es liegt an dir...
Wir wollen einfach nur, dass du Spaß daran hast bei Creatalicious Challenges mitzumachen...

It is time for a new challenge again today and our theme is "Anything Goes + optional all that glitters". You're welcome to join us with the optional as most of the DT did, but as it is an optional, you can also chose not to do it  -  it's totally up to you. 
We just want you to have fun with us @ Creatalicious Challenges...

Du kannst die Farben oder auch das Foto als Inspiration nutzen...
You can either use just one or more of the colours or the photo as your inspiration...

Unser Sponsor für diese Challenge ist
Our generous sponsor for this challenge is

Cute as a Button
Preis - 2 digis
Prize -  2 digis

Hier sind die Inspirationswerke vom Team...
Here are the inspiration projects of the team for you...

Wenn du Ihnen einen Kommentar hinterlassen willst, dann klicke bitte auf deren Foto in der seitlichen Liste um zum Blog zu gelangen. DANKE!

If you want to leave them a comment, please click on their photo on the left side bar to get to their blogs. Thanks!

using Luck of the Irish
Ich habe mich von den Farben grün & rot inspirieren lassen
I've been using the colour green & red from the inspiration photo


using Amirayah Belly Dancer

Charlotte  -  Lady Joyful

using Venice Mask

using My Baby Boy

using Venice Mask

Jill Tiffany
kommt nach
coming soon

using My Baby Boy

using Batgirl

taking a break

Diejenigen, die ein Werk bei Inlinkz einstellen, wissen, dass ihr Name und ihr Blog für alle Besucher unseres Blogs sichtbar sind und wenn sie es tun, haben sie selbst ihre privaten Details preisgegeben und stimmen zu, dass wir diese persönliche Informationen nutzen, falls sie als Gewinner oder Top 3 gewählt werden. 

Those entering a piece of artwork into Inlinkz do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog and in doing so have published their own personal details and consented to our use of that personal information should it be selected as a winner or accredited work.

This collection has been deleted by its author
powered by inlinkz

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Winner & Top 3 Challenge #135

Hello everyone,

it is time to announce the winner & top 3 of our last challenge. 

We've had 152 wonderful entries for our "anything goes with optional birthday" challenge and Random chose the winner.

The winner of the digi from Sasayaki Glitter is
number 117;

which is Christine,

with this gorgeous card.

Congratulations!  Be sure to grab our "Winner Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Please contact me by June 10th, to claim your price and put "Winner Challenge #134" into your subject line! (Email-address is in the side bar).

Top 3

Manuela had the very hard task of chosing just 3 of your wonderful entries as Top 3 and these are her choices (in numerical order).

97 Vannessa

122 Ann-Marie S.

142 Kristina Crafty Paws
Take Risks. Make Magic!

Congratulations, ladies!  Be sure to grab our "To3 Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Hope to see you all again in our new challenge with your wonderful projects!


Winner & Top 3 Challenge #134

Hello everyone,

it is time to announce the winner & top 3 of our last challenge. 

We've had 144 wonderful entries for our "anything goes with optional girly" challenge and Random chose the winner.

The winner of the digis from Lacy Sunshine is
number 108;

which is Debby,

with this gorgeous card.

Congratulations!  Be sure to grab our "Winner Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Please contact me by June 10th, to claim your price and put "Winner Challenge #134" into your subject line! (Email-address is in the side bar).

Top 3

This time I had the very hard task of chosing just 3 of your wonderful entries as Top 3 and these are her choices (in numerical order).

21 Tiziana

52 Plony

138 Crafty Kiwi Mama

Congratulations, ladies!  Be sure to grab our "To3 Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Hope to see you all again in our new challenge with your wonderful projects!


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Challenge #139 ANYTHING GOES with optional all that glitters

Good Morning!

It is time for a new challenge again today and our theme is "Anything Goes + optional all that glitters". You're welcome to join us with the optional as most of the DT did, but as it is an optional, you can also chose not to do it  -  it's totally up to you. 
I just want you to have fun with us @ Creatalicious Challenges...

Our generous sponsor for this challenge is

is offering 2 images of winner's choice

Welcome to the brilliantly bizarre brain of Dr. Digi's House of Stamps.  Here you will find monsters, aliens,
odd balls and Dundertons as well as many many more wonderful digital stamps for the crafter with a sense
of humour.

Here are the inspiration projects of the team for you...

If you want to leave them a comment, please click on their photo on the left side bar to get to their blogs. Thanks!


Elizabeth H. 
using Open Top Olive

coming soon

using Simply Santa Coloured Image

using X-Mas-No1



Rachel Taylor
using "Martini Bianca"

Those entering a piece of artwork into Inlinkz do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog and in doing so have published their own personal details and consented to our use of that personal information should it be selected as a winner or accredited work.

This collection has been deleted by its author
powered by inlinkz