Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Winner & Top 3 Challenge #276

Hello everyone,

it is time to announce the top 3 of challenge #276. 

We've had 84 wonderful entries for our "anything goes with optional use something new" challenge.

Neva had the very hard task of chosing just 3 of your wonderful entries as Top 3 and these are her choices (in numerical order).

#24 Judy V

Congratulations, ladies!  Be sure to grab our "Top 3 Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Hope to see you all again in our new challenge with your wonderful projects!


Winner & Top 3 Challenge #275

Hello everyone,

it is time to announce the top 3 of challenge #275. 

We've had 60 wonderful entries for our "anything goes with optional Easter" challenge.

Maria had the very hard task of chosing just 3 of your wonderful entries as Top 3 and these are her choices (in numerical order).

#13 Diny

#25 Priya

Congratulations, ladies!  Be sure to grab our "Top 3 Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Hope to see you all again in our new challenge with your wonderful projects!


Monday, July 15, 2024

Challenge #279 ANYTHING GOES with optional summer



Heute fängt wieder eine neue Challenge an und unser Thema ist "Alles geht + optional Sommer". Du kannst gerne mit dem optionalen Thema bei uns mitmachen, wie auch die meisten unserer Designer, aber da es ein optionales Thema ist, kannst du dich auch dazu entscheiden es nicht zu befolgen und uns einfach dein "Alles geht" Projekt einzustellen. Es liegt an dir...

Wir wollen einfach nur, dass du Spaß daran hast bei Creatalicious Challenges mitzumachen...

It is time for a new challenge again today and our theme is "Anything Goes + optional summer". You're welcome to join us with the optional as most of the DT did, but as it is an optional, you can also chose not to do it  -  it's totally up to you. 

We just want you to have fun with us @ Creatalicious Challenges..

Wir haben keinen Sponsor für diese Challenge, daher ist es nur zum Spaß!
We're not having a sponsor for this challenge, so it is just for fun!

Hier sind die Inspirationswerke vom Team...
Here are the inspiration projects of the team for you...


coming soon

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Challenge #278 ANYTHING GOES with optional use pastel colours



Heute fängt wieder eine neue Challenge an und unser Thema ist "Alles geht + optional nutze Pastellfarben". Du kannst gerne mit dem optionalen Thema bei uns mitmachen, wie auch die meisten unserer Designer, aber da es ein optionales Thema ist, kannst du dich auch dazu entscheiden es nicht zu befolgen und uns einfach dein "Alles geht" Projekt einzustellen. Es liegt an dir...

Wir wollen einfach nur, dass du Spaß daran hast bei Creatalicious Challenges mitzumachen...

It is time for a new challenge again today and our theme is "Anything Goes + optional use pastel colours". You're welcome to join us with the optional as most of the DT did, but as it is an optional, you can also chose not to do it  -  it's totally up to you. 

We just want you to have fun with us @ Creatalicious Challenges..

Wir haben keinen Sponsor für diese Challenge, daher ist es nur zum Spaß!
We're not having a sponsor for this challenge, so it is just for fun!

Hier sind die Inspirationswerke vom Team...
Here are the inspiration projects of the team for you...


taking a break

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Challenge #277 ANYTHING GOES with optional anniversaries



Heute fängt wieder eine neue Challenge an und unser Thema ist "Alles geht + optional Jahrestag/Jubiläum (Hochzeitstag, Geburtstag, ...)". Du kannst gerne mit dem optionalen Thema bei uns mitmachen, wie auch die meisten unserer Designer, aber da es ein optionales Thema ist, kannst du dich auch dazu entscheiden es nicht zu befolgen und uns einfach dein "Alles geht" Projekt einzustellen. Es liegt an dir...

Wir wollen einfach nur, dass du Spaß daran hast bei Creatalicious Challenges mitzumachen...

It is time for a new challenge again today and our theme is "Anything Goes + optional use anniversaries (wedding anniversary, birthday, ...)". You're welcome to join us with the optional as most of the DT did, but as it is an optional, you can also chose not to do it  -  it's totally up to you. 

We just want you to have fun with us @ Creatalicious Challenges..

Wir haben keinen Sponsor für diese Challenge, daher ist es nur zum Spaß!
We're not having a sponsor for this challenge, so it is just for fun!

Hier sind die Inspirationswerke vom Team...
Here are the inspiration projects of the team for you...

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Monday, April 15, 2024

Challenge #276 ANYTHING GOES with optional use something new



Heute fängt wieder eine neue Challenge an und unser Thema ist "Alles geht + optional etwas neues (neuer Stempel, neues Papier, neue Deko, neue ...)". Du kannst gerne mit dem optionalen Thema bei uns mitmachen, wie auch die meisten unserer Designer, aber da es ein optionales Thema ist, kannst du dich auch dazu entscheiden es nicht zu befolgen und uns einfach dein "Alles geht" Projekt einzustellen. Es liegt an dir...

Wir wollen einfach nur, dass du Spaß daran hast bei Creatalicious Challenges mitzumachen...

It is time for a new challenge again today and our theme is "Anything Goes + optional use something new (new stamp, new paper, new embellishment, new ...)". You're welcome to join us with the optional as most of the DT did, but as it is an optional, you can also chose not to do it  -  it's totally up to you. 

We just want you to have fun with us @ Creatalicious Challenges..

Wir haben keinen Sponsor für diese Challenge, daher ist es nur zum Spaß!
We're not having a sponsor for this challenge, so it is just for fun!

Hier sind die Inspirationswerke vom Team...
Here are the inspiration projects of the team for you...

used a new stamp

Helen - using a new stamp set

used a new chipboard

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Friday, March 15, 2024

Challenge #275 ANYTHING GOES with optional Easter


Zuerst eine kleine Info für alle:
Unsere Challenges werden ab jetzt monatlich sein und immer am 15. des Monats starten.

First I have a little info for everyone:
Our challenges will be monthly from now on and will always start on the 15th of the month.

Heute fängt wieder eine neue Challenge an und unser Thema ist "Alles geht + optional Ostern". Du kannst gerne mit dem optionalen Thema bei uns mitmachen, wie auch die meisten unserer Designer, aber da es ein optionales Thema ist, kannst du dich auch dazu entscheiden es nicht zu befolgen und uns einfach dein "Alles geht" Projekt einzustellen. Es liegt an dir...
Wir wollen einfach nur, dass du Spaß daran hast bei Creatalicious Challenges mitzumachen...

It is time for a new challenge again today and our theme is "Anything Goes + optional Easter". You're welcome to join us with the optional as most of the DT did, but as it is an optional, you can also chose not to do it  -  it's totally up to you. 

We just want you to have fun with us @ Creatalicious Challenges..

Wir haben keinen Sponsor für diese Challenge, daher ist es nur zum Spaß!
We're not having a sponsor for this challenge, so it is just for fun!

Hier sind die Inspirationswerke vom Team...
Here are the inspiration projects of the team for you...


coming soon

coming soon

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Monday, March 11, 2024

new challenges

 Hello everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that we will be back with a new challenge on Friday, March 15th. 

Sorry for the long break!


Sunday, March 3, 2024

Winner & Top 3 Challenge #274

Hello everyone,

it is time to announce the top 3 of challenge #274. 

We've had 45 wonderful entries for our "anything goes with optional snowman" challenge.

I had the very hard task of chosing just 3 of your wonderful entries as Top 3 and these are her choices (in numerical order).

#42 Mervi

Congratulations, ladies!  Be sure to grab our "Top 3 Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Hope to see you all again in our new challenge with your wonderful projects!


Winner & Top 3 Challenge #273

Hello everyone,

it is time to announce the top 3 of challenge #273. 

We've had 58 wonderful entries for our "anything goes with optional last minute Christmas / New Year" challenge.

I had the very hard task of chosing just 3 of your wonderful entries as Top 3 and these are her choices (in numerical order).

#50 Uschi

Congratulations, ladies!  Be sure to grab our "Top 3 Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Hope to see you all again in our new challenge with your wonderful projects!


Winner & Top 3 Challenge #272

Hello everyone,

it is time to announce the top 3 of challenge #272. 

We've had 37 wonderful entries for our "anything goes with optional Christmas cards with blue & silver" challenge.

Tone had the very hard task of chosing just 3 of your wonderful entries as Top 3 and these are her choices (in numerical order).

#25 niki1

Congratulations, ladies!  Be sure to grab our "Top 3 Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Hope to see you all again in our new challenge with your wonderful projects!


Winner & Top 3 Challenge #271

Hello everyone,

it is time to announce the top 3 of challenge #271. 

We've had 42 wonderful entries for our "anything goes with optional Thanksgiving/thank you" challenge.

Neva had the very hard task of chosing just 3 of your wonderful entries as Top 3 and these are her choices (in numerical order).

Congratulations, ladies!  Be sure to grab our "Top 3 Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Hope to see you all again in our new challenge with your wonderful projects!
