Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Challenge #144 ANYTHING GOES with optional under the sea or fairytales

Guten Morgen!
Good Morning!

Heute fängt wieder eine neue Challenge an und unser Thema ist "Alles geht + optional unter dem Meer oder Märchen". Du kannst gerne mit dem optionalen Thema bei uns mitmachen, wie auch die meisten unserer Designer, aber da es ein optionales Thema ist, kannst du dich auch dazu entscheiden es nicht zu befolgen und uns einfach dein "Alles geht" Projekt einzustellen. Es liegt an dir...
Wir wollen einfach nur, dass du Spaß daran hast bei Creatalicious Challenges mitzumachen...

It is time for a new challenge again today and our theme is "Anything Goes + optional under the sea or fairytales". You're welcome to join us with the optional as most of the DT did, but as it is an optional, you can also chose not to do it  -  it's totally up to you. 
We just want you to have fun with us @ Creatalicious Challenges..

Unser Sponsor für diese Challenge ist

Our generous sponsor for this challenge is

Prize  -  £6.75 / US $10 digi voucher

Hier sind die Inspirationswerke vom Team...
Here are the inspiration projects of the team for you...

Wenn du Ihnen einen Kommentar hinterlassen willst, dann klicke bitte auf deren Foto in der seitlichen Liste um zum Blog zu gelangen. DANKE!

If you want to leave them a comment, please click on their photo on the left side bar to get to their blogs. Thanks!



using Meribelle Mermaid


using Serenity Fairy Kisses

using Octavia Moonfly Unicorn

using Octavia Moonfly Unicorn


using Meribelle Mermaid

This collection has been deleted by its author
powered by inlinkz

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Winner & Top 3 Challenge #138

Hello everyone,

it is time to announce the winner & top 3 of our last challenge. 

We've had 135 wonderful entries for our "anything goes with optional add a sentiment" challenge and Random chose the winner.

The winner of the digis from Fabrika Fantasy is
number 66;

which is Chris,

with this gorgeous card.

Congratulations!  Be sure to grab our "Winner Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Please contact me by August 5th, to claim your price and put "Winner Challenge #138" into your subject line! (Email-address is in the side bar).

Top 3

Sonya had the very hard task of chosing just 3 of your wonderful entries as Top 3 and these are her choices (in numerical order).

20 Karen

35 Tip Top

48 Donna Mundinger

Congratulations, ladies!  Be sure to grab our "To3 Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Hope to see you all again in our new challenge with your wonderful projects!



I am sorry I am soo far behind with annoucing winners. Life hadn't been at it's best this year (I've been ill several times already) and as I want to comment on all your lovely entries, it it taking me that long... But as I am doing well again now, I hope to announce the winners of one challenge after the other soon!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Winner & Top 3 Challenge #137

Hello everyone,

it is time to announce the winner & top 3 of our last challenge. 

We've had 208 wonderful entries for our "anything goes with optional dies and/or punches" challenge and Random chose the winner.

The winner of the gift cert. from Wild Orchid Crafts is
number 19;

which is Janice,

with this gorgeous card.

Congratulations!  Be sure to grab our "Winner Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Please contact me by August 5th to claim your price and put "Winner Challenge #137" into your subject line! (Email-address is in the side bar).

Top 3

Neva had the very hard task of chosing just 3 of your wonderful entries as Top 3 and these are her choices (in numerical order).

21 Sylvia Hoekman

107 Marlies

188 Astrid

Congratulations, ladies!  Be sure to grab our "To3 Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Hope to see you all again in our new challenge with your wonderful projects!


I am sorry I am soo far behind with annoucing winners. Life hadn't been at it's best this year (I've been ill several times already) and as I want to comment on all your lovely entries, it it taking me that long... But as I am doing well again now, I hope to announce the winners of one challenge after the other soon!

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Challenge #143 ANYTHING GOES with optional no patterned papers

Guten Morgen!
Good Morning!

Heute fängt wieder eine neue Challenge an und unser Thema ist "Alles geht + optional keine Design Papiere". Du kannst gerne mit dem optionalen Thema bei uns mitmachen, wie auch die meisten unserer Designer, aber da es ein optionales Thema ist, kannst du dich auch dazu entscheiden es nicht zu befolgen und uns einfach dein "Alles geht" Projekt einzustellen. Es liegt an dir...
Wir wollen einfach nur, dass du Spaß daran hast bei Creatalicious Challenges mitzumachen...

It is time for a new challenge again today and our theme is "Anything Goes + optional no patterned papers". You're welcome to join us with the optional as most of the DT did, but as it is an optional, you can also chose not to do it  -  it's totally up to you. 
We just want you to have fun with us @ Creatalicious Challenges..

Unser Sponsor für diese Challenge ist

Our generous sponsor for this challenge is

who's offering a $12 voucher to the winner

Hier sind die Inspirationswerke vom Team...
Here are the inspiration projects of the team for you...

Wenn du Ihnen einen Kommentar hinterlassen willst, dann klicke bitte auf deren Foto in der seitlichen Liste um zum Blog zu gelangen. DANKE!

If you want to leave them a comment, please click on their photo on the left side bar to get to their blogs. Thanks!

using a KennyK image



using Di's Digital Stamps  "Pumpkin Boo"

Elizabeth H.
using Di's Digis Stamps "Teatime Splash"




using a digi from My little friends

taking a break


This collection has been deleted by its author
powered by inlinkz

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Winner & Top 3 Challenge #136

Hello everyone,

it is time to announce the winner & top 3 of our last challenge. 

We've had 113 wonderful entries for our "anything goes with optional friends / friendship" challenge and Random chose the winner.

The winner of the gift cert. from The Paper Shelter is
number 98;

which is Beebeebabs,

with this gorgeous card.

Congratulations!  Be sure to grab our "Winner Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Please contact me by July 20th, to claim your price and put "Winner Challenge #136" into your subject line! (Email-address is in the side bar).

Top 3

Lady Joyful - Charlotte had the very hard task of chosing just 3 of your wonderful entries as Top 3 and these are her choices (in numerical order).

25 Carol

59 KT Fit Kitty

104 Zora

Congratulations, ladies!  Be sure to grab our "To3 Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Hope to see you all again in our new challenge with your wonderful projects!


I am sorry I am soo far behind with annoucing winners. Life hadn't been at it's best this year (I've been ill several times already) and as I want to comment on all your lovely entries, it it taking me that long... But as I am doing well again now, I hope to announce the winners of one challenge after the other soon!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Hello's & Good bye's

Please welcome our new DT members, 

who are joining Team A


Hi I'm Michelle and am thrilled to be one of the new design team members with Creatalicious Challenges! I live in Cloverdale, BC, Canada with my hubby of 22 years and my 15 year old son. My oldest son (19) is now living on his own on Vancouver Island. I work full-time outside the home and now that I only have one son at home, I have a lot more free time to spend in my craft room. I enjoy spin classes, kickboxing, yoga and of course card making!


My name is Norma. I am from Mexico City, but live in New York. I love to make cards and I consider my style clean and simple, but I also like the shabby chic. I have been making crafts of my life and I love it.

I am Rhoda, I am married to a wonderfully patient husband, Mum to 3 and Granny to 6 children.  I have been crafting since childhood, doing knitting, crochet, cardmaking, scrapbooking and mixed media.  I make cards for charity and for commissions and have made almost 30 scrapbook albums, both for myself and other people.  I have also recently started a small craft group in our village, just to share my love of craft. 


I am 23 years married to a military veteran and we live in Central Florida.  We have 1 grow son and I'm looking forward to the day we have grandchildren.  I work part-time at a Neurology Practice within the Clinical Research Dept; I have spent the last 28 years in healthcare.  I'm also looking forward to retirement, we are glampers...that's campers with a motorhome and we love to travel around the state and into Georgia and the Carolinas.  My bucket list trip is out West, especially to see the Grand Canyon.  Our camping season ends in June...just too hot down here, then we go again in September.  We try to go at least one weekend a month so being on the team will not be affected by our trips. Fun-fold cards are my favorite type of card but I enjoy cardmaking of any type and I also create mini albums. 

Please welcome our new DT members, 

who are joining Team B


My name is Renate, 51, married and mother of a daughter and a son. 
I have been making cards for years. First 3D, now only scrap cards. I also make books and mini albums since a year from craft and/or envelopes. I also like to read and crochet.
With my husband and friends I like to go to the city auditorium in Kampen.
I work part-time in healthcare  -  in a nursing home, small scale living, with elderly people with dementia (psycho geriatrics). Beautiful and grateful work. 


I have been crafting most of my life, knitting was my first, then cross stitching. I still do these but paper crafting is my biggest passion at the moment. My bedroom is completely took over  by crafting goodies. I work full time, so crafting is how I relax.

My name is Carmen Aurora and I am 67 years old. I am a retired teacher from Venezuela. I have three children and five grandchildren. I love the crafts that I make since I was very young. I love decorative painting, flexible dough and especially scrapbooking.

I am looking forward to working with you all and I hope that you enjoy being part of our team here.

Sadly, I have to say good-bye to these wonderful team members...

Charlotte  -  Lady Joyful

she made her last card for the current challenge...




Ladies, thank you soo much for all the wonderful cards you've made for our challenges. We surely will miss you all! Very best wishes for the future and hope to see you around blogland from time to time... 

