Friday, April 30, 2021

Challenge #210 ANYTHING GOES with optional things with wings



Heute fängt wieder eine neue Challenge an und unser Thema ist "Alles geht + optional Dinge mit Flügeln". Du kannst gerne mit dem optionalen Thema bei uns mitmachen, wie auch die meisten unserer Designer, aber da es ein optionales Thema ist, kannst du dich auch dazu entscheiden es nicht zu befolgen und uns einfach dein "Alles geht" Projekt einzustellen. Es liegt an dir...

Wir wollen einfach nur, dass du Spaß daran hast bei Creatalicious Challenges mitzumachen...

It is time for a new challenge again today and our theme is "Anything Goes + optional things with wings". You're welcome to join us with the optional as most of the DT did, but as it is an optional, you can also chose not to do it  -  it's totally up to you. 
We just want you to have fun with us @ Creatalicious Challenges..

Unser Sponsor für diese Challenge ist
Our generous sponsor for this challenge is

Prize  -   3 digi stamps

Hier sind die Inspirationswerke vom Team...
Here are the inspiration projects of the team for you...

Wenn du Ihnen einen Kommentar hinterlassen willst, dann klicke bitte auf deren Foto in der seitlichen Liste um zum Blog zu gelangen. DANKE!

If you want to leave them a comment, please click on their photo on the left side bar to get to their blogs. Thanks!



using Chibi Fuchsia Fairy

using Chibi Fuchsia Fairy

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Challenge #209 ANYTHING GOES with optional slim line card + DT call



Heute fängt wieder eine neue Challenge an und unser Thema ist "Alles geht + optional schmale/lange Karte". Du kannst gerne mit dem optionalen Thema bei uns mitmachen, wie auch die meisten unserer Designer, aber da es ein optionales Thema ist, kannst du dich auch dazu entscheiden es nicht zu befolgen und uns einfach dein "Alles geht" Projekt einzustellen. Es liegt an dir...

Wir wollen einfach nur, dass du Spaß daran hast bei Creatalicious Challenges mitzumachen...

It is time for a new challenge again today and our theme is "Anything Goes + optional slim line card". You're welcome to join us with the optional as most of the DT did, but as it is an optional, you can also chose not to do it  -  it's totally up to you. 
We just want you to have fun with us @ Creatalicious Challenges..

Unser Sponsor für diese Challenge ist
Our generous sponsor for this challenge is

Prize  -  1 digi stamp

Sadly our DT Catrin is stepping down from the team. I wish her all the best for the future and I will surely miss her and her wonderful creations.

We're looking for 2 new DT members. 

What do you have to do as a DT member at Creatalicious Challenges?

1) you need to have a Facebook account as all our DT info is on Facebook
2) create one project per month (we often get images from our sponsor to work with)
2) comment on entries (everyone has 2 numbers out of 10 entries) 
3) chose your Top 3, when it is your turn
4) Have lots of fun!

You don't need to have any DT-experience, you just need to have fun creating things.

So, if you want to be part of our design team just add "DT" after your name when entering our challenge and I will be coming over to take a look at your work of art.

Hier sind die Inspirationswerke vom Team...
Here are the inspiration projects of the team for you...

Wenn du Ihnen einen Kommentar hinterlassen willst, dann klicke bitte auf deren Foto in der seitlichen Liste um zum Blog zu gelangen. DANKE!

If you want to leave them a comment, please click on their photo on the left side bar to get to their blogs. Thanks!


is taking a break


Saturday, April 3, 2021

Winner & Top 3 Challenge #206

  Hello everyone,

it is time to announce the winner & top 3 of challenge #206. 

We've had 90 wonderful entries for our "anything goes with optional I got the blues" challenge and Random chose the winner.

The winner of the digis from Polkadoodles is
number 21;

which is Marga's Place,

with this wonderful card.

Congratulations!  Be sure to grab our "Winner Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Please contact me by April 18th, to claim your price and put "Winner Challenge #206" into your subject line! (Email-address is in the side bar).

Top 3

Maria had the very hard task of chosing just 3 of your wonderful entries as Top 3 and these are her choices (in numerical order).

Congratulations, ladies!  Be sure to grab our "Top 3 Badge" to proudly display on your blog here.

Hope to see you all again in our new challenge with your wonderful projects!


new DT-members

Thanks to everyone who joined our DT-call. 
Unfortunately I couldn't take on everyone. It's been a hard choice... 

Please welcome our new DT members, 
who are joining Team B

Hi! My name is Marci I live in Argentina and I'm super happy to be part of this great team. I've been into scrapbooking for 8 years now and I simply love it. I took a two year class with Carolina Ghelfi, then became part of her DT for three years. I also managed a FB group of about 2000 members  for 3 years, I have worked for two stores showcasing their scrapbooking goods. I was the ambassador for a paper design company at Paper Fest 2019 in Punta de Este, Uruguay, among other activities all paper related.

I am a stay at home mom/grandma.  My husband David is my best friend and very supportive of my stamping and crafting.  We have 4 kids between us all adults now with grandbabies.  We also have 3 fur babies.  I care for my granddaughter and my special needs son full time.  Stamping is my therapy.  Doing challenges helps keep the creative juices flowing.  I have been stamping and crafting for over 20 years.  I am excited to be on the team and can't wait to get started.

You can see their first creations at our current challenge post already!

I am looking forward to working with you and I hope that you enjoy being part of our team here.

